Monday, October 18, 2010

This is serious...

It seems that in some sort of fit of optimism, I have signed myself up for the Carlsbad Half-Marathon on January 23rd. Because apparently a 5K isn't quite ambitious enough for my hyper-competitive self??! Okay then!

So I signed up for the half-/full-marathon training group at our Y.  Last season they trained for the OC Triathlon--remember I said I went and watched it?  I knew as soon as I saw them plunging into the lake before dawn that there was going to be trouble...

Our official training period started today although I missed the official kick-off.  So angry at myself!!!  All week I was planning on 9 at the Y on Saturday.  I even lined up hubs to take the girls to dance class ("So what, I just have to sit there for 5 hours?";  "It's only 1 hour and I do it every single week.").

Then, just as I was getting ready to leave I decided to pull up the info flier online.  Only to find out that it actually started a full hour earlier than I thought!!

I would like to say that I reacted the setback with grace, but I actually had a tantrum to rival the worst any of my childrens'. 

Once I calmed myself, I got in touch with the trainer who gave me absolution and encouraged me to just "JOIN US!" 

I think it was the caps that got me, but I paid my money (significant) and signed up. 

We meet Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday with additional core (yoga, Pilates, TRX) training scheduled for the alternate days. 

I'm excited.  And super scared that I won't be able to keep up.

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